Green Clay for Horses

Green Clay for Horses

% Pure Naturally Dried

From the hills of  Sardinia


Ingredient: 100% Green Montmorillonite


How can green clay help my horse?

Difficulty to heal wounds (especially on legs), infections etc..

Learn how clay will help your horse, relieve pain and heal your horse in so many cases.

Today, you can offer your horse, your foal the clay healing treatments, with of course , the participation of your veterinarian.

Consult your veterinarian who will diagnose your horse and will be able to recommend an internal treatment.

Clay requires a consistency in the treatment.. But the results are there, and healing is on its way.



  • 1.05 kg
  • Available
  • Delivery in 3-5

A person who observes nature can witness the fact that animals instinctively use earth to cure themselves.


As a matter of fact, we owe much of our discovery in this field to animals.


Your horse will greatly benefit of this clay’s healing properties.


If you own a horse, you probably know that your equine partner is subject to encounter many physical problems in his life.

Usage instructions 


Adding Green Healing Clay to horse feed:


A horse should be fed approximately one tablespoon of Green Clay twice daily for a duration of 2 to 3 weeks. The clay can be mixed into the horses feed. After this period of time stop adding the clay to the horses feed. This detox program can be repeated several times a year to cleanse the horse’s digestive tract or it can be used to directly target a problem that you are trying to heal. If this is the case add clay to the horse’s drinking water too. It is advisable to mix the clay into the feed with your hand and to feed the horse from a plastic container instead of a metal one. 

Before mixing the Green Clay into your horses’ drinking water, remember that it must not come into contact with metal so as to not lose its ionic charge – the very science that makes this clay such an effective healing agent. So, it is advisable to have a large drinking trough made from plastic for the clay water and  also always have another drinking trough available for the horse containing water without clay. The horse will know when to drink from the clay water and how much to drink. It will also know when to hydrate its system with ordinary water. Never underestimate the natural instinct of your animal and allow it the choice of the two.


A cleansing or detox program of 2 to 3 weeks is advisable for a horse. One can use the clay in the water and in its feed at the same time, but do not exceed a duration of 2 to 3 weeks. Once this detox period is over wait a few months before doing another. Several detox programs to cleanse your horse internally can be done annually.

Fill your plastic drinking through with rain or natural spring water (tap water often has contaminants and when we use it the clay ends up cleaning the water instead of the horses system.) The amount of clay you add to the drinking water depends on the size of the trough, but here is an idea of the ratio: taking a standard 20 litre trough, add 150 grams of Green Clay. Stir the clay into the water with your hand and leave it. A residue of clay will settle on the bottom of the trough. Do not worry about this – the water will be sufficiently charged with a suspension of clay containing all the essential trace elements, minerals, and detoxifying drawing properties you want to give your horse with your first stir.

Replace the clay every second day by cleaning out the trough thoroughly and refilling it with the prescribed amount of rain/spring water and Green Healing Clay.

Remember that animals know instinctively what is best for them – allow them to drink from a clay water trough as well as a normal water trough.


Preparing Clay Water :


Remember that your clay should never be in contact with metal.

Therefore, do not add clay to your horse's water in anything metallic.

A plastic trough, a bucket are great.

You can offer your horse a 3 weeks clay water treatment.

You can also give him the choice (or not) of both, regular water and clay water.

You might be surprised of seeing your friend going for that muddy water.

Let's base it on a 15 litre bucket.  Add 200 / 250g  of clay in it.

Fill the bucket when it is empty, with water.

Once every 2 days, rinse of bucket and replace clay.

Do this for 3 weeks.

It is common to treat internally a horse with an external injury and infection, with 4 times this amount.

You can do this treatment as many times as you think is good for your horse trough the year.



Preparing a poultice to heal a wound :

Preparing the clay paste:

Put the desired quantity of Green Healing Clay into a ceramic, glass, wooden or plastic recipient. Slowly add rain water or mineral water to the clay. This is usually a one to one ratio – one tablespoon of clay to one tablespoon of water – a little more or less here or there is fine, as long as the result is a lovely smooth paste. Once you have added the water wait a few minutes for the clay to absorb it. You can use a wooden spoon to mix it into a smooth paste if you wish, but do not ever use a metal spoon or recipient to mix your clay. The clay carries an ionic charge, which is the very science behind why it is such an effective healer. Metal disrupts this charge and renders the clay ineffective.


Applying the poultice:

Once you have gained the trust from your horse that you are approaching his wound in order to help heal it, it is all quite simple. Spread a thick layer onto the wound. The thicker the amount of clay you apply, the more effective it becomes. Once you have applied the clay to the wound, dip a bandage into water and then wrap it, whilst moist, over the affected area that is covered in clay. You can even dip the bandage into water that contains some clay. Once the wound is sealed in the bandage you can wrap it in a layer of cling-film or cling-wrap plastic – but not tight at all – just to keep the moisture of the clay bandage locked in for longer. Once the clay is dry it is no longer active. For this reason it is best to keep it in place and moist for as long as possible. You will notice however that once the clay begins to dry out and has done its work of drawing the toxins and impurities out of the wound, it naturally detaches itself form the wound and falls off easily. This is a good indication to know when the treatment with the clay is finished doing its magic.

Another poultice can be applied to the wound a few hours later and the treatment can be continued for days, weeks or months at a time. The duration and frequency of treatment with clay poultices will depend on the wound. Some severe cases can take months to heal, but the results are most rewarding.

So many case studies of wounds that would ordinarily have warranted a sad decision of euthanasia have been healed by Green Healing Clay. Those horse owners who decided to go the route of healing their horses with clay – often as a leap of faith into the unknown – have been overjoyed to have their friends alive and well thanks to the clay treatments – however long they took to heal and with virtually none or very little scarring left to tell the tale.

Once you remove a clay poultice from a wound site, throw the clay away that contains the infected tissue and then gently rinse the site with running water – from a hose pipe placed just above the wound (but not touching it) is best. Do not worry if a small residue of clay remains on the wound – it will do no harm, and it will most likely fall off by itself.

Do not use any other anti-septic products in conjunction with the clay treatments. Green Clay is a very strong natural anti-septic. It cleans the wound by drawing the bacteria, pathogens and toxins out of the wound and locking them inside the microscopic chambers of itself. So the nastiness of a wound will be removed with the clay. Do not use any other soaps or alcohol between applications of clay – this will only aggravate the problem.


Sometimes people worry because they see the wound getting slightly worse before it starts looking better. This is because the clay is drawing all the toxins and infected flesh out, which can often look unsightly. Have some patience and keep applying the clay poultices. With time the wound will be free of infection and begin healing – closing up, regenerating tissue cells and looking better with each passing day.

Green Clay does not hurt the horse in any way. When it is applied it feels good – as it does to humans. It has a beautiful cooling effect on hot inflamed infected tissue. The clay is also a natural analgesic so it alleviates a lot of pain. You will see that if a horse is scared of you going near its wound, it is because it is sore, traumatised and scared. Show the horse the clay you want to use to heal its wound. Let your horse smell the clay – gain his trust and then once you have applied the first poultice, every other thereafter will be welcomed by your injured friend.




Flies are never a problem when using Green Clay as a treatment.


Always seek advice from a veterinarian when an animal is ill.



The descriptions and recommendations given on this website are for educational purposes only and do not replace any professional diagnosis or treatment. It is the responsibility of each individual person to do what is safe for their own respective health conditions and that of their pets and animals.

Usage instructions



Adding Green Healing Clay to horse feed:


A horse should be fed approximately one tablespoon of Green Clay twice daily for a duration of 3 weeks. The clay can be mixed into the horses feed. After this period of time stop adding the clay to the horses feed. This detox program can be repeated several times a year to cleanse the horse’s digestive tract or it can be used to directly target a problem that you are trying to heal. If this is the case add clay to the horse’s drinking water too. It is advisable to mix the clay into the feed with your hand and to feed the horse from a plastic container instead of a metal one. 

Before mixing the Green Clay into your horses’ drinking water, remember that it must not come into contact with metal so as to not lose its ionic charge – the very science that makes this clay such an effective healing agent. So, it is advisable to have a large drinking trough made from plastic for the clay water and to also always have another drinking trough available for the horse containing water without clay. The horse will know when to drink from the clay water and how much to drink. It will also know when to hydrate its system with ordinary water. Never underestimate the natural instinct of your animal and allow it the choice of the two.


A cleansing or detox program of 3 weeks is advisable for a horse.


One can use the clay in the water and in its feed at the same time, but do not exceed a duration 3 weeks. Once this detox period is over wait a few months before doing another. Several detox programs to cleanse your horse internally can be done annually.

Fill your plastic drinking through with rain or natural spring water (tap water often has contaminants and when we use it the clay ends up cleaning the water instead of the horses system.) The amount of clay you add to the drinking water depends on the size of the trough, but here is an idea of the ratio: taking a standard 20 litre trough, add 150 grams of Green Clay. Stir the clay into the water with your hand and leave it. A residue of clay will settle on the bottom of the trough. Do not worry about this – the water will be sufficiently charged with a suspension of clay containing all the essential trace elements, minerals, and detoxifying drawing properties you want to give your horse with your first stir.

Replace the clay every second day by cleaning out the trough thoroughly and refilling it with the prescribed amount of rain/spring water and Green Healing Clay.

Remember that animals know instinctively what is best for them – allow them to drink from a clay water trough as well as a normal water trough.


Preparing Clay Water :

Remember that your clay should never be in contact with metal.

Therefore, do not add clay to your horse's water in anything metallic.

A plastic trough, a bucket are great.

You can offer your horse a 3 weeks clay water treatment.

You can also give him the choice (or not) of both, regular water and clay water.

You might be surprised of seeing your friend going for that muddy water.

Let's base it on a 15 litre bucket.  Add 200 / 250g  of clay in it.

Fill the bucket when it is empty, with water.

Once every 2 days, rinse of bucket and replace clay.

Do this for 3 weeks.

It is common to treat internally a horse with an external injury and infection, with 4 times this amount.

You can do this treatment as many times as you think is good for your horse trough the year.


Preparing a poultice to heal a wound :

Preparing the clay paste:

Put the desired quantity of Green Healing Clay into a ceramic, glass, wooden or plastic recipient. Slowly add rain water or mineral water to the clay. This is usually a one to one ratio – one tablespoon of clay to one tablespoon of water – a little more or less here or there is fine, as long as the result is a lovely smooth paste. Once you have added the water wait a few minutes for the clay to absorb it. You can use a wooden spoon to mix it into a smooth paste if you wish, but do not ever use a metal spoon or recipient to mix your clay. The clay carries an ionic charge, which is the very science behind why it is such an effective healer. Metal disrupts this charge and renders the clay ineffective.


Applying the poultice:

Once you have gained the trust from your horse that you are approaching his wound in order to help heal it, it is all quite simple. Spread a thick layer onto the wound. The thicker the amount of clay you apply, the more effective it becomes. Once you have applied the clay to the wound, dip a bandage into water and then wrap it, whilst moist, over the affected area that is covered in clay. You can even dip the bandage into water that contains some clay. Once the wound is sealed in the bandage you can wrap it in a layer of cling-film or cling-wrap plastic – but not tight at all – just to keep the moisture of the clay bandage locked in for longer. Once the clay is dry it is no longer active. For this reason it is best to keep it in place and moist for as long as possible. You will notice however that once the clay begins to dry out and has done its work of drawing the toxins and impurities out of the wound, it naturally detaches itself form the wound and falls off easily. This is a good indication to know when the treatment with the clay is finished doing its magic.

Another poultice can be applied to the wound a few hours later and the treatment can be continued for days, weeks or months at a time. The duration and frequency of treatment with clay poultices will depend on the wound. Some severe cases can take months to heal, but the results are most rewarding.


So many case studies of wounds that would ordinarily have warranted a sad decision of euthanasia have been healed by Green Healing Clay. Those horse owners who decided to go the route of healing their horses with clay – often as a leap of faith into the unknown – have been overjoyed to have their friends alive and well thanks to the clay treatments – however long they took to heal and with virtually none or very little scarring left to tell the tale.


Once you remove a clay poultice from a wound site, throw the clay away that contains the infected tissue and then gently rinse the site with running water – from a hose pipe placed just above the wound (but not touching it) is best. Do not worry if a small residue of clay remains on the wound – it will do no harm, and it will most likely fall off by itself.


Do not use any other anti-septic products in conjunction with the clay treatments. Green Clay is a very strong natural anti-septic. It cleans the wound by drawing the bacteria, pathogens and toxins out of the wound and locking them inside the microscopic chambers of itself. So the nastiness of a wound will be removed with the clay. Do not use any other soaps or alcohol between applications of clay – this will only aggravate the problem.


Sometimes people worry because they see the wound getting slightly worse before it starts looking better. This is because the clay is drawing all the toxins and infected flesh out, which can often look unsightly. Have some patience and keep applying the clay poultices. With time the wound will be free of infection and begin healing – closing up, regenerating tissue cells and looking better with each passing day.


Green Clay does not hurt the horse in any way. When it is applied it feels good – as it does to humans. It has a beautiful cooling effect on hot inflamed infected tissue. The clay is also a natural analgesic so it alleviates a lot of pain. You will see that if a horse is scared of you going near its wound, it is because it is sore, traumatised and scared. Show the horse the clay you want to use to heal its wound. Let your horse smell the clay – gain his trust and then once you have applied the first poultice, every other thereafter will be welcomed by your injured friend.


A USEFUL NOTE: Flies are never a problem when using Green Clay as a treatment.


Always seek advice from a veterinarian when an animal is ill.



The descriptions and recommendations given on this website are for educational purposes only and do not replace any professional diagnosis or treatment. It is the responsibility of each individual person to do what is safe for their own respective health conditions and that of their pets and animals.

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Comments: 4
  • #4

    Maggie Inglis (Wednesday, 03 January 2024 22:54)

    Hi there, my green clay for my horse arrived today, thank you. If I mix it into his feed, do I put it in dry or do I make into a paste please? Thanks

  • #3

    Piper Loyo (Monday, 14 August 2023 20:07)

    Hi I have a horse in my care that has been diagnosed with equine asthma, or sometimes called heaves or recurrent obstructive pulmonary diseases. He belongs to a lady that ask me to do whatever I feel is best for his recovery and well being. Me being more inclined to naturopathic modalities want to clean his body of toxins that are causing imbalance in his body and these symptoms he’s having. Her vet (who is more traditional and old school when it come to allopathic medicine) says it is the form of asthma/COPD that is aggravated in the summer time and early fall due to heat and humidity and some molds that accumulate on clover and other grasses. Dust from hay and in the stalls also causes a lot of coughing for him so it is actually prob best he is in pasture the vet says. Vet put him on the usual Pharma protocols of prednisone and albuterol but I know these have many side effects. Can the green clay help to detoxify his body of allergens and the meds after his treatment is done? Please advise.
    Thank you
    Piper Loyo

  • #2

    Sharon Pitt (Tuesday, 23 May 2023 14:20)


    Can you please tell me if you have any knowledge of green clay to heal ulcers in horses please.

  • #1

    Alyson (Thursday, 30 April 2020 13:41)

    “After training for months for a trail running relay race, I sprained my ankle to the point where just walking on an unlevel surface was painful. I poulticed my ankle every day for 4 days with Clay Cure Green Clay which kept any swelling to a minimum and within 3 days I was walking far more comfortably. By the day of the race, I didn’t let the team down and ran over 10 miles over rugged terrain. Thank you Clay Cure!”

Always seek advice from a veterinarian when an animal is ill


The descriptions and recommendations given on this website are for educational purposes only and do not replace any professional diagnosis or treatment. It is the responsibility of each individual person to do what is safe for their own respective health conditions and that of their pets and animals

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Wills Road

TQ9 5XN Totnes 

Tel: Mobil:  +44(0)7971522429

       Office:  +44(0)1803862259

Email: theclaycure(at)


VAT Reg. No: GB 284 3833 78 

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Products shipped internationally from the UK may be subject to import taxes and duties imposed by local governments. The customer is the importer of record and therefore is responsible for all import taxes, duties, and customs clearance fees. Any additional taxes, fees, or other charges necessary to clear the parcel through customs will need to be paid in full by the customer. Orders will normally be cleared through customs by our courier on behalf of the customer with all taxies, duties and fees being paid to the courier upon delivery. We have no control over these taxes, duties or fees. VAT registered companies may be able to reclaim import VAT through their VAT return, but we are unable to advise on this and recommend contacting the local customs office for further information.

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